From 2002 to 2006, Denis Cherevichnik collected material for a book about the secret male military societies.- worked in archives, and studied the trials of werewolves in Livonia and Courland in XVI-XVIII centuries. On the basis of studies in 2006-2007 in the Latvian magazine “Patron” was published an interview entitled “In search of a Werewolfland”. In 2008, these studies have attracted the attention of the Latvian television. As a result of ethnographic expedition there was a film “The Werewolf” from the popular Reality TV series – “The Legeng Hunters”.

With the dean of the theological faculty of the University of Latvia, a writer, a priest Ralph Kokin at the sacred oak of Curonians (2008)

With the cameraman of the movie "The Werewolf" from the series "The Legend hunters" at the sacred oak of Curonians.

An authentic record of the interrogation of one of the most famous werewolves in the history, dated 1692